Tuesday, March 15, 2011

EOC: Week 10

What channels are you going to do to get your product noticed?

   To get my product noticed I'm going to use a variety of channels to get my product in the spot light. My main method I'm trying to use is a Television Commercial. Commercials seem to be the most effective since they are broadcast to a wide range of people. Commercials for my advertising campaign can be shown on any television channel but the target would be channels with many viewers such as MTV, VH1, or even Comedy Central.  The target audiences would also have to appeal to the stations as well, it would have to have a seamless-like appearance. Since my commercial is target adult audiences, those stations would be perfect compared to channels such as a Disney, Nickelodeon, or PBS. Another form I could use for my advertising campaign could be billboards or magazines. These are grouped together because most likely the two ads would be the same, just on a different medium. Since I already pitched and scripted my ad for the party commercial, the ad for the magazine/billboard could be a snapshot of what is happening in the television commercial.  It could be a glimpse, or remake of what was shown in the commercial. Keeping the television commercials and the magazine ads teh same will help keep the consistency across the board. Everything will feel seamless and the identity of the brand more inherent. These are my channels for getting my Starburst Commercial noticed!

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