Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Final Week 11 Class Evaluation

Evaluate this classroom experience and your progress towards meeting these objectives.  Consider your understanding and progress. How well do you think you are doing in this class? Taking into consideration the points obtained in the above grid, what grade do you think you deserve?  Write about 300 words, and the last sentence must include a letter grade you feel you have earned.

Answer--- I felt this classroom experience was definitely a positive one.  I learned a lot of material that now inspires me to think critically when viewing advertising campaigns. I am able to immediately pick out the tactics used in commercials, web, magazine ads, and etc.  I think I did a great job meeting the course objectives. There were many objectives to accomplish but we did a good job covering all of them. We discussed types of advertising, basics elements of ads, and industry standards as well as whom the big wigs in the industry actually are. The final project encompassed everything we needed to learn.  The research alone involved in the final project helped teach me things that weren’t in our textbooks. As you worked harder on the final project you learned what really goes into advertising campaigns. Our blogs associated with this class exemplified all course objectives. It’s too bad there’s not an Intermediate Advertising course at this school because I’m really interested in how to produce successful campaigns.  I learned that there is lots of money floating in the advertising world and it seems like a pretty fun job too! Many of the days in this class after the mid quarter I found myself asking deeper questions and analyzing things more and more on a professional level.  I enjoyed watching the films we were presented in class because it triggered me to ask Mr. Pinto more questions, yielding me more knowledge! Our projects we did helped open my eyes a bit. I’ve seriously considered pursuing something within the advertising fields. I think I did professional job in this class. I made it to class everyday required as well as participated everyday in all our studies. I also fulfilled all EOC’s, BOC’s, blog posts and final project posts. I met all the course competencies and fulfilled all course assignments successfully.  I think I deserve an “A” for the work I’ve put forth in this class.

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